With the new updated website (December 2022) we somehow managed to lose all our blogs to date.
But that’s ok, these things happen and it just means we need to get on with writing and telling more stories that we can share.
The first version of The MWTG website went live in 2018 and although it was very basic, it was still something and the beginning of our journey. Since this time we have visited many countries, explored numerous cities and created some really great memories. The best part has been seeing those that travel with us form friendships, find their people and create their own sisterhood circles.
Those returning to travel with The MWTG equally creates such a happy feeling for us as it means we are doing something right and it’s validation for our existence.
This blog is short but I endeavour to blog more, not just of our trips but in sharing whatever wisdom and experience I have and can in relation to travel. I also welcome you to guest blog and share your stories about travel but also what your city and country have to offer.
I thank you for being here, reading and hope you will stay to see how we grow and get on. I look forward to connecting with as many of you as I can in this lifetime and hope we can meet, eat, do things and travel together one day isA.
Sadia x