The Community Groups.

WhatsApp groups were set up to allow local meetups and networking outside of the MWTG travel group and trips. They are an opportunity to make and meet likeminded women closer to home to form friendships and create a support network. You may even find someone to travel with and can arrange this amongst yourself.

The groups are moderated but loosely- you have the freedom to share local information and events but more importantly speak and share knowledge locally to you to arrange to meet.

With any group, especially ones that are advertised publicly, there is a risk that it is open to abuse. Not everyone is who they say they are, so please never share any private information. Keep meetups in public places and generally use your common sense. If you notice dodgy behavior from a newcomer or feel that a man may have joined, please report it to one of the admins asap. Anyone can arrange or initiate a meet up and lead or organize a trip amongst the group. The MWTG is not responsible for these.

Please take a minute to read the group rules and how it works then complete the form at the end to submit your request to join one.

WhatsApp Community Rules.

Each WhatsApp group has a minimum of 3 admins to ensure partially and fairness when moderating.

Stick to the purpose of the group:

This is to arrange meetups, network and share local information that will encourage meetups. We want you out the house meeting each other and new sisters.

Don’t spam the group:

Forwarded messages are a big no. What may be important to you, may not necessarily be important to others- also fact check your post. The only exception to this rule is if it’s for an event that you are going to and looking to arrange a meet up.

Never share any private information:

Keep meetups in public places and generally use your common sense.

Don’t self-promote:

This is for your business, your friends, or your groups outside of this space. Just don’t do it, if in doubt always ask its polite and good manners.

Be Mindful when sharing other groups:

When sharing other group trips please be respectful you are not overkilling other group travel organisation. The MWTG works hard to promote and keep the brand reputable, we are all for sharing and supporting other groups but not everyone keeps the same energy and supports us and for that reason we like to keep things distinct. Try not to have long one-on-one conversations in the group. This can happen very easily, be mindful. Switch to private messages.

Don’t respond unless it’s positive and necessary:

If someone asks a question and you don’t know the answer don’t respond with “I don’t know”. Just wait for someone who knows the answer to reply.

Do not join multiple groups:

We can tell and will just remove you. You should never be in more than 2 groups. The explanation that you move a lot and up and down the country isn't good enough. If in doubt, what city do you pay your council tax in, join this group and neighboring, that’s it.

No charity posts:

This is different from charity events if arranged as a meet up, it’s no to asking for money. All causes are worthwhile and noble, but this isn't the platform.

Use Sub-groups for meet ups as needed:

Create this and share the link in the running list but do close and come back when the event is over, this stops cliques being formed and keeps this group relevant and more meaningful as we hope to continue supporting and forming sisterhood,

Mindful of time:

Do not post in groups after 11pm time or before 7am. UK time zone.

Ask yourself 3 questions:

If you are not sure about posting or responding, ask yourself these three questions before you post: Is this relevant? Is this necessary? Is this a good time to post?

Request to join a UK WhatsApp group in your city:

"*" indicates required fields

Facebook Group.

Did you know we have a International community Facebook group where you can ask questions, seek advice, read others travel stories and seek out travel buddies.

Click here to join the group:

Click Here

This is our Facebook public page, please do click to follow and like for updates:

Click Here
